第一组 评委:陈二春、邹晓萍、蔡强、刘书亮 答辩秘书:高甜 地点:外国语学院210 时间:2025年1月11日 8:30 组长:骆迎 (13人) |
序号 |
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论文题目 |
1 |
6720220537 |
高慧 |
变译理论视角下《构建网络风险管理体系:数字时代下的安全演进》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of Building a Cyber Risk Management Program: Evolving Security for the Digital Age (Excerpt) from the Perspective of Translation Variation Theory |
2 |
6720220525 |
赖健 |
文本类型理论视域下《生灵之域:全球野生动植物现状》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of The Living Planet:The State of the World’s Wildlife(Excerpts)from the Perspective of the Text Typology Theory |
3 |
6720220503 |
林娜 |
《零碳工业:实现可持续繁荣的变革性技术与政策》(节选)英译汉翻译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of Zero-Carbon Industry: Transformative Technologies and Policies to Achieve Sustainable Prosperity (Excerpts) |
4 |
6720220528 |
林优华 |
《能源的真相:化石燃料的过度依赖与可再生能源转型》(节选)汉译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of The Truth About Energy: Our Fossil-Fuel Addiction and the Transition to Renewables (Excerpts) |
5 |
6720220511 |
刘冰冰 |
变译理论指导下的英汉翻译实践报告——以《新型核能炙手可热》(节选)为例 A Practice Report on E-C Translation of New Nuclear is HOT (Excerpts) under the Guidance of the Translation Variation Theory |
6 |
6920221438 |
罗莎 |
文本类型理论指导下的《气候变化:无声的威胁》(节选)翻译实践报告 A Translation Report on Climate Change:A Silent Threat(Excerpts)---Under the Guidance of Text Typology Theory |
7 |
6720220527 |
骆迎 |
交际翻译原则指导下儿童科普杂志《缪思》翻译实践报告 A Report on Translation Practice in Children's Science Magazine Muse under the Guidance of Communicative Translation Principles |
8 |
6720220502 |
汤甜甜 |
《高瞻远瞩:企业如何在动荡的世界中做正确的事情》(节选)翻译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of Higher Ground: How Business Can Do the Right Thing in a Turbulent World(Excerpts) |
9 |
6720220519 |
熊璟 |
《尘埃:万亿微粒中的现代世界》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of Dust :The Modern World in a Trillion Particles(Excerpts) |
10 |
6720220522 |
徐诗琴 |
语言顺应论指导下的《海洋保护:无人机技术在海洋生态管理中的应用》(节选)翻译实践报告 A Translation Report of Oceaning:Governing marine life with drones from the Perspective of Language Adaptation Theory |
11 |
6720220507 |
叶晗婕 |
翻译转换理论下《欢迎来到AI世界:一份给人类的人工智能指南》(节选)的英汉翻译实践报告A Report on the E-C Translation of Welcome to AI: A Human Guide to Artificial Intelligence (Excerpts) under the Translation Shifts Theory |
12 |
6720220517 |
曾仁慧 |
翻译规范论指导下《数字农业》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 A Report on E-C Translation Practice of Digital Agriculture (excerpts) under the Guidance of Translational Norms Theory |
13 |
6720220529 |
周文珺 |
变译理论视域下《人工智能物联网实现可持续发展目标》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things for Achieving the Sustainable development goals(excerpts) from the Perspective of |
第二组 评委:张建平、凌征华、谢秋恩、邓琳 答辩秘书:汪婷婷 地点:外国语学院C411 时间:2025年1月11日 8:30 组长:徐子懿 (13人) |
序号 |
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论文题目 |
1 |
6720220531 |
付梦甜 |
基于语料库的汉语名动词英译策略研究——以《习近平谈治国理政》为例 A Corpus-based Study of Translation Strategies of Chinese Nouny Verbs in Xi Jinping: The Governance of China |
2 |
6720220520 |
贺丹 |
“MT+PE”模式下《高等教育中的生成式人工智能:ChatGPT效应》(节选)翻译实践报告-以显化翻译为例 Translation Practice Report on “Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: The ChatGPT Effect” (Excerpt) in the “MT+PE” Model—Taking Example of Explicitation Translation. |
3 |
6720220518 |
黄鹃 |
变译理论视域下《人工智能、机器学习的社会影响》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 Societal Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning(Excerpts) from the Perspective of Translation Variation Theory |
4 |
6720220500 |
马靓 |
知识翻译学视域下的科技文本汉译实践报告——以《生成式人工智能在高等教育中的应用:Chatgpt效应》为例 A Translation Report on Generative AI in Higher Education: The ChatGPT Effect (Excerpts) Based on Transknowletology |
5 |
6720220523 |
邱俊珺 |
基于语料库的汉语缩略语翻译研究——以《习近平谈治国理政》为例 A Corpus-based Research on the Translation of Chinese Abbreviations in Xi Jinping: The Governance of China |
6 |
6720220510 |
肖青 |
基于纽马克交际翻译理论的《心与“芯”:和机器人共创光明未来》(节选)翻译实践报告 A Translation Report on The Heart and the Chip (Excerpts) Based on Peter Newmark's Communicative Translation |
7 |
6720220526 |
徐子懿 |
《间接的中国:西班牙、东方与翻译政治》(节选)翻译实践报告 A Report on the Translation of Secondhand China: Spain, the East, and the Politics of Translation (Excerpts): from the Perspective of Thick Translation Theory |
8 |
6720220501 |
袁金香 |
《中国陶瓷出口新业务:中国当代陶瓷艺术品中的跨时空传达》英汉翻译实践报告 A Translation Report (E-C) on New Export China: Translations across Time and Place in Contemporary Chinese Porcelain Art from the Perspective of Translation Variation Theory |
9 |
6720220532 |
张梦林 |
形象学视域下的《习近平谈治国理政》英译融通策略研究 Research on Chinese–English Convergence Strategies of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China from the Perspective of Imagology |
10 |
6720220533 |
郑越昕 |
关联理论翻译观下《提高儿童社交情感能力的行为分析教程》(节选)英译汉翻译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of AIM- A Behavior Analytic Curriculum for Social-Emotional Development in Children |
11 |
6720220534 |
钟鸣 |
《皇室御用瓷: 清代的瓷器制造与督陶官制度》(节选) 汉译实践报告 A Report on the Translation of Porcelain for the Emperor: Manufacture and Technocracy in Qing China (Excerpts):from the Perspective of Thick Translation Theory |
12 |
6720220516 |
周志芳 |
《人工智能造福社会:用人工智能拯救世界》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of AI for Social Good: Using Artificial Intelligence to Save the World (Excerpts) |
13 |
6720220509 |
朱艳萍 |
《千变万化的陶瓷器皿:作为跨文化载体的亚洲陶瓷》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 A Report on the Translation of Transformative Jars Asian Ceramic Vessels as Transcultural Enclosures(excerpts): from the Perspective of Toury’s Translational Norms |
第三组 评委:曾繁健、程渊、赵冰、邓燕 答辩秘书:刘道伟 地点:外国语学院C402 时间:2025年1月11日 8:30 组长:林扬慈 (12人) |
序号 |
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论文题目 |
1 |
6720220530 |
胡怡婷 |
美国报刊(1934-1936)中的中国红军长征汉译实践报告 A Report on E-C Translation of the Chinese Red Army’s Long March in American Newspapers(1934-1936) |
2 |
6720220513 |
黄小玉 |
文本类型理论视角下《人工智能医生:人工智能在医疗行业的兴起》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 A Report on E-C Translation of AI Doctor: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (Excerpts) under the Guidance of Text Typology Theory |
3 |
6720220512 |
李福燕 |
交际翻译理论视角下《人工智能医生——人工智能在医疗保健行业的兴起》(节选)英译汉翻译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of AI Doctor - The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare(Excerpts) Under Communicative Translation Theory |
4 |
6720220504 |
林扬慈 |
《网络安全的哲学》(节选)英译汉翻译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of Philosophy of Cybersecurity (Excerpts) |
5 |
6720220514 |
刘丹婷 |
《工人日报》的红军新闻叙事英汉翻译实践报告:语义信息的等值再现 A Translation Report on Chinese Red Army’s Narratives in the Newspaper of The Daily Worker: Unveiling the Semantic Information Equivalence |
6 |
6720220535 |
刘明杰 |
卡特福德翻译转换理论视角下《深度适应变革:赋能城市转型,迎战气候变化》(节选)翻译实践报告 A Report on E-C Translation of Radical Adaption: Transforming Cities for a Climate Changed World (Excerpts) from the Perspective of Catford’s Translation Shift |
7 |
6720220521 |
罗羽 |
美国新闻报道中的八路军形象英汉翻译实践报告 An English-Chinese Translation Report on the Eighth Route Army's Image in American News Reports |
8 |
6720220515 |
倪可馨 |
“ChatGPT+MTPE”人机交互模式下的《第三视角:在偏执时代勇敢表达》(节选) 翻译实践报告 A Translation Report on The Third Perspective Brave Expression in the Age of Intolerance Based on " ChatGPT+MTPE" Mode |
9 |
6720220524 |
谭庄颖 |
美国新闻报纸的华人矿工形象汉译翻译实践报告 A Report on the E-C Translation of the Chinese Miners' Images in the American Newspapers |
10 |
6720220505 |
吴泽威 |
《稀土材料特性和应用》机器汉译译后编辑实践报告 A Translation Report: Post-editing of English-Chinese machine translation in Rare Earth Materials: properties and Applications |
11 |
6720220506 |
夏凯 |
科技文本中机器翻译质量评估与译后编辑——《黑洞与时间扭曲》(节选)英汉实践报告 Machine Translation Quality Assessment and Post-editing in Translating Science and Technology Text : An E-C Translation Report of Black Holes and Time Warps |
12 |
6720220508 |
许亚如 |
翻译转换理论视域下《人工智能医生——人工智能在医疗保健行业的兴起》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 A Report on E-C Translation of AI Doctor - The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (Excerpt) from the Perspective of Translation Shifts Theory |